A Personal Trainer
As a personal trainer professionally I specialize in the design of exercise. This and or its instruction.
I would often provide guidance for my clients by setting boundaries and providing feedback.
In many instances my accountability to clients requires my taking an inventory of their current status or activities.
My expertise as a personal trainer allows me to also measure a client’s strengths and weaknesses in some variety of fitness assessments.
Often however a client’s goals are fairly narrow and sometimes quite specific.
A fitness assessment is often performed by a personal trainer as a before after evaluation of the results of a given period a client has applied an exercise program.
That maybe to measure their client’s improvements in physical fitness generally or narrowly.
One of the simplest is a before and after photo.
If I also educate my clients in very many other aspects of wellness besides exercise the improvements may be measured clinically.
So if we are including general health and nutrition guidelines their medical outcomes like blood pressure are easy enough. Blood lipids, A1C, are important to clients who wish to reduce cardiovascular risk or diabetic complications.
Qualified personal trainers recognize their own areas of expertise.
Medical doctors diagnose, prescribe, and order tests.
Most clients already are diagnosed if they have a medical condition.
That especially if it could prevent or limit the client from safe participation in an exercise program.
A client should check with the proper health professional for prior clearance then contact a trainer.
Scope of practice for personal trainers is the components of fitness for a generally, healthy clientele.
Limits of prescription physical therapy are tied to a client’s health insurance coverage.
That in the vast majority of cases is also fairly short term as well as narrowly focused.
The so called “graying” of the work force and longevity of retirees suggest a need.
A need for advancing self-care expertise into more of that part of the population.
This would have cultural advantages not to mention benefits for tens of millions of individuals.
Most need exercise design and regular use. Improved body composition, physical performance, heart condition and health outcomes in many sub sets of our twenty first century population could have profound cultural implications. Fitting this into the social and economic circumstances of the bottom eighty percent of income households might require much rethinking of the current standard of delivery for personal training.
Keeping in mind that very common hurdles like accurate diet planning and discipline or sleep hygiene often trip up even very serious individuals.
A large body of epidemiological data show that diet quality follows a socioeconomic gradient.
Higher-quality nutrition is associated with progressively with affluence yet sub set and individual variants are plentiful.
Energy-dense diets are frequently nutrient-poor.
These often would be preferentially consumed by persons of lower socioeconomic status.
Though even that has sub set variants.
In any respect, a personal trainer would generally pay close attention to their client’s exercise form, workout routine, and nutrition plan.
For what ever reasons not many studies have investigated personal training of men.
Personal training for women in particular has been studied.
Those studies show exercise behavior patterns improve.
An increased competence in choosing to exercise, particularly in the face of other time demands often results.
This usually results in more strength, and increased workout intensities, in women.
These women self-select heavier loads than women who did not use a trainer.
Those loads were still below recommended training load percentages so indeed safe.
Morbidity and mortality rates improving is a great social or personal goal.
Yet functional fitness improvement is also very valuable by almost any metric.
The same improvements lower rates of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, dental caries, as well as some forms of cancer.
Each of these diseases have a direct link to nutrition or diet.
Functional fitness improvement and nutrition improvement progressively directly influence a client’s ability.
This both to recover from and progress as a result of exercise, as well as look and feel better.
Over all functional fitness improvement allows us to get more done in a week, month or year and or do that with less effort.
My preference is to always keep all of these factors in mind.
This with each client while suggesting workable improvements on an individual basis.
Dan Hendrix, Personal Trainer